

Throughout the performing career, I was able to collect and experiment different rosins out in the market which led me to develope a type of rosin that holds such attributes I thought was more important for both solo and orchestra performance when applied to bows I use for major performance. 

Bella Rosin is easy to use. You'll notice at the first application on your bow hair. In most cases, the volume would be amplified to a certain extent, as well as the crisp clarity of the tone and the articulation one draws no matter legato or spiccato. 

Bella Rosins are now being used in New York Phil, New Jersey Symphony, Chicago Symphony, Philadelphia Orchestra, MET Opera, City Ballet, Marlboro Musicians, Broadway, Seoul Philharmonic, Hong Kong Philharmonic and they will be coming to your area very soon. 

In closing, I would like to thank you for your support and hopefully you could start bragging about your new discovery/toy :)

enjoy making music !!!



Dr. Daeil Yang                                                      D.M.A. cello                                                            Bella Rosins                              bellarosins@gmail.com